Friday, June 14, 2013

On My way to Vegas

I will be headed to Las Vegas next Wednesday with my mom and aunt.  I am looking forward to the trip but I am a little hesitant because I will be leaving Trey for six days.  He is having problems at the summer camp.  He complains every day and got into trouble two days in a row.  I pray he is okay while I am gone.  I have been working extremely hard trying to complete the two classes i am taking.  Both of the courses have a lot of assignments.  I am almost done with  the assignments.  I really need a break from home.  Sometimes I want to fly a way.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


OMG!  It has been a month since I wrote an entry.  So much has happened since last month.  School is out. Trey received a reading award.  He was upset that he didn't get perfect attendance.  He missed two days due to an illness but they were excused absences.  Trey's final grades were: 94 (Language Arts), 92 (Math), and 92 (Reading).  He almost made all As.  I am proud of hi.  He has made a lot of progress academically and socially.   Trey received a lot of Cub Scout awards and has moved to the next level.

Two of my dissertation committee members who read the first three chapters of my dissertation.  Hopefully, I will be able to complete my proposal defense this summer.   I am planning on graduating this winter (December).  I pray I have a study site identified and have interviews completed in August.  I am taking two classes this summer for add on certification.  I have a lot of work to do for each course but will get it done.  the course end June 30th.

I am going to Las Vegas this month with my mom and aunt.  I didn't want to go but I am now looking forward to the trip.  I have purchased a couple of new outfits and have a new hair cut. Trey begins summer camp on Monday.  I will be working part time at USC beginning this month until December.  I will be working in my former position.  I also have an interview for substitute teaching on Tuesday.

I have not been invited for an interview for any of the teaching jobs that I apply for.  I was really upset about it at first but I realized that God does not want me in those positions.  I believe He has something else in store for me.  I need to believe and be patient.  I have realized that God wants us to constantly seek a  relationship with him.  I have also realized that man will hurt and disappoint you but God will not.  Don't put your faith in man.

Endia is still lost.  I pray every day that God will deliver and heal her.  Last week she called me hysterical because  of an incident that occurred between her and her live-in boyfriend.  She spent one night here and has been staying with girlfriends.  She suppose to return here tomorrow.  She still has not found a job.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Re-cap of Week

I haven't posted a blog in a while.  I have been BUSY made revisions to my dissertation.  I will be soooooooooooooo happy when I finish my doctorate.  I am so tired of it and I still have to do the research.  Earlier this week my dog was barking none stop since 6:00 am.  We finally figured out why he was barking.  There was a baby possum outside (gross).  I ran that one off and guess what, later in the day his/her sibling returned. Now, I dread going out in the backyard.  Critters gross me completely out.  I applied for a couple of asst. prinicipal positions.   I have applied for several teaching position and have not gotten one single interview.  When I dwell on this,  I become depressed.  I have to believe that God has something else better in store for me.   Some years ago, He told me I was more suited for administration but I have only had one interview for an asst. admin. position which was last year and I did not get the job.  The job is open again and I re-applied. I am waiting for that call for an interview.  I jnow it is coming soon.  My husband left on Thursday to go to Florida.  Trey and I will spend Saturday night at the Marriottt Hotel for some R & R. The hotel is across the street from our church.  We will eat Mother's Day breakfast there.   I am glad I quit my job.  I really wanted to be off for the summer and I really need uninterrupted time to spend om dissertation.  ThankYou God.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Trusting God

I just finished listening to a Joyce Meyer sermon on youtube. I really needed to hear this message.  Below is a summary of what I gleaned from the sermon:

  • We can't hide anything from God, He is always with us.
  • He should not have to expain all the "whys" to us.
  • Focusing on the why does not lead to contentment.  It impedes our walk with God.
  • We waste time trying to figure out the why.
  • We most trust God and His timing.
  • The Israelites took 40 years to get to the promise land because of lack of faith and questioning God.  The trip should have taken them 11 days.  We are misiing out on life by focusing on the why.
  • Instead of asking why, ask God to strengthen you for the journey and to prepare you for His will.
  • Don't spend so much time trying to figure out why isn't done that you forget the great stuff that God has planned for you.
  • Enjoy what Jesus died to give us insead of living every day miserable, confused, discontented, etc.
God Bless!!

Pinewood Derby

Trey's Cub Scouts' Pinewood Derby was on yesterday. At the last minute, I decided to design a Skittles car.  It was very easy to make.  The car turned out cute and everybody raved about it.  Trey did not place in the race but guess what, the Skittles car won  trophy for Most Creative.  I was very excited bcause I am not crafty.  Below is a picture of the Skittles car and the trophy.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Quit My Job

I resigned from my job.  I now have time to devote to my dissertation so that I can graduate in December.  I am so looking forward to being home this summer.  I will be working contract but on my schedule. Praise God!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My bike came on Monday.  Trey and I went riding with friends.  We won't be able to go riding again until Thursday.  While riding near a lake, Trey almost rode into the lake.  A tree stopped him. Thank God!  Here are some pictures of my backyard.  My husband planted flowers toady and we are trying to get the pool ready to swim in.

Mom, can I jump in?

Look at the pretty flowers and palm trees near the fountain.