Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This Past Weekend

All weekend long we had painters in the house. They were painting our two story foyer, stairwell, and family room. Needless to say I did not get anything done including my school work. I have one assignment due next Tuesday and two assignments dues next Thursday. We had to eat out the entire weekend. Also, Trey attended his cousin Kaden's birthday party and of course, he misbehaved. Trey is such a strong willed child with his own ideas. He is very vocal and does not hesitate when expressing his feelings. You never know what to expect with him.


My friend Michelle will turn 44 this week. Michelle and I have been friends since elementary school. She has never been married and does not have any children. Her boyfriend is throwing her a surprise birthday drop-in on Friday. Do you think he is going to pop the question? If not, she may want to re-evaluate her relationship. Michelle deserves someone nice. I will keep you posted.


Endia may be attending Anderson University this fall. Anderson is a small Christian college in Anderson, SC. I am happy she is going off to college but apprehensive. I pray for her safety and that she males the right decisions. She wants a friend of hers to attend too. I hope Crystal attends Anderson because they would be roommates and could support each other. Crystal is a nice girl. Endia needs to buckle down and improve her study skills. Thankfully, Anderson has a support center where students can go for this type of help. I pray she is successful.


Last night was a nightmare. I worked on a paper for 3 hours until 11:00 pm. Guess what happened? I lost it. I was totally devastated and near tears. After talking to God, I decided to rewrite the paper which took me another 3 hours. I did not get to bed until after 3:00 am.

Friday, January 28, 2011


I have had allergies all of my life but I still don't know what I'm allergic to. At least one day a week, I am congested with a ruuny nose and itchy eyes (completely miserable). Well, I started feeling this way last night and I am still congested and can't taste my food. I didn't get much sleep last night and have been sleepy all day long. Therefore, it is 6:46 pm and I am in bed. Hopefully, by tomorrow, I will be feeling like myself.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I had class this evening. After class I stopped by the barbershop where my son and husband were getting haircuts. We returned home and popped popcorn with our new Whirly Pop. The popcorn was delicious. We can't wait to pop another bowl. I gave my son a bath. After his bat, we read a devotional from his Goodnight Warrior book. We also read two chapters from his Henry and Mudge book. Trey really likes to read. He reads extremely well for a 4 year old and is reading my blog as I type. He told me several times that he loved me. Trey can be so sweet some times. However, early this evening his sister had to pick him up early from Awana because he was having a bad time. I guess you can't expect a child to be perfect.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

It has been a long time

I have not blogged since 2009. I have been very busy. What has happened in my life since 2009? I am now a full time graduate student working on two degrees. I am pursuing another master's degree and a doctorate degree. My daughter is in the 12th grade. I am praying that she finishes highschool and attends college this fall. My four year old will be five next month. He is a strong willed child who speaks has mind without hesitation. I will write more blogs this year, I promise.