Friday, June 14, 2013

On My way to Vegas

I will be headed to Las Vegas next Wednesday with my mom and aunt.  I am looking forward to the trip but I am a little hesitant because I will be leaving Trey for six days.  He is having problems at the summer camp.  He complains every day and got into trouble two days in a row.  I pray he is okay while I am gone.  I have been working extremely hard trying to complete the two classes i am taking.  Both of the courses have a lot of assignments.  I am almost done with  the assignments.  I really need a break from home.  Sometimes I want to fly a way.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


OMG!  It has been a month since I wrote an entry.  So much has happened since last month.  School is out. Trey received a reading award.  He was upset that he didn't get perfect attendance.  He missed two days due to an illness but they were excused absences.  Trey's final grades were: 94 (Language Arts), 92 (Math), and 92 (Reading).  He almost made all As.  I am proud of hi.  He has made a lot of progress academically and socially.   Trey received a lot of Cub Scout awards and has moved to the next level.

Two of my dissertation committee members who read the first three chapters of my dissertation.  Hopefully, I will be able to complete my proposal defense this summer.   I am planning on graduating this winter (December).  I pray I have a study site identified and have interviews completed in August.  I am taking two classes this summer for add on certification.  I have a lot of work to do for each course but will get it done.  the course end June 30th.

I am going to Las Vegas this month with my mom and aunt.  I didn't want to go but I am now looking forward to the trip.  I have purchased a couple of new outfits and have a new hair cut. Trey begins summer camp on Monday.  I will be working part time at USC beginning this month until December.  I will be working in my former position.  I also have an interview for substitute teaching on Tuesday.

I have not been invited for an interview for any of the teaching jobs that I apply for.  I was really upset about it at first but I realized that God does not want me in those positions.  I believe He has something else in store for me.  I need to believe and be patient.  I have realized that God wants us to constantly seek a  relationship with him.  I have also realized that man will hurt and disappoint you but God will not.  Don't put your faith in man.

Endia is still lost.  I pray every day that God will deliver and heal her.  Last week she called me hysterical because  of an incident that occurred between her and her live-in boyfriend.  She spent one night here and has been staying with girlfriends.  She suppose to return here tomorrow.  She still has not found a job.