Sunday, March 15, 2009

Please see the following updates:

Trey continues to do well at the Montessori school. He continues to amaze me with his intellect. He wants to do lessons all of the time but sometimes I'm tired and want some time to myself. I pray his love and enthusiasm for learning stay with him as he gets older. However, I feel guilty when I tell him we have to do a lesson later. On Tuesday, Trey will have his tonsils and adenoids removed. I pray his recovery goes well.

Lately, I have had so many problems with Endia. Her room stays nasty and she continues to make low grades. I feel like a complete failure as a parent. I try to provide her with a quality education and nice place to live and it appears she doesn't appreciate anything. I've tried talking to her but to no avail. I asked her what are her plans for the future because it is going to be difficult getting into college with those low grades. I will continue to pray for her.

I have an interview with the doctoral committee on March 24. Hopefully, I will be accepted into the doctoral program at USC and receive a generous scholarship. I will also have a writing sample to complete on that day.

I will be writing again soon.


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