Wednesday, March 27, 2013


The following events have occurred in my life over the past two years:

  •  I am still working on my doctorate degree.  I have finished my classes and I am now writing my dissertation.  I pray I graduate in December.
  • Endia enrolled at AU.  She had to leave the second semester due to extenuating circumstances.  She returned in the fall of 2012 and guess what, she had to leave again.  If and when she returns to college, she will foot the bill.
  • Endia returned home, got a job, quit her job, and moved in with her boyfriend in Jan. 2013. I am totally disappointed but guess what, this is her life.  I keep her in my prayers.
  • The situation with Endia has made me really reflect on my life.  boy do I have MANY regrets and have not forgiven myself from past mistakes.
  • Trey skipped kindergarten and attended Harmony School last year.  He was 5 years old in a classroom with 1st through 3rd graders.  We discovered (in late 2012) that he is ADHD.  He is now on meds (lowest dose) and doing well in the 2nd grade at Catawba Trial Elementary School.  His grades and behavior are great.
  • Trey exhibits traits of giftedness and  ADHD.  
  •  We moved to a new home in July 2012.  We live somewhat in the country and have a nice swimming pool in the back yard.  We bought a hot tub before Christmas.
  • I am working full time at a charter school.  I am also taking a few courses towards certification in learning disabilities.
  • h yeah, I earned another master's degree in education administration in 2012.  Hopefully, one day I will put it to use.
  • I am still trying to figure out my purpose in life.  Some days I feel like crawling disappearing.
  • My stepfather passed a way.
  • I am trying to find a hobby besides reading.

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