Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I am Thankful

It has been a while since I posted a blog, sorry. I have been so busy later. Being teacher and mother is not easy. I couldn't wait until today arrived. I'm off for the next 5 days. Praise the Lord! I'm really ready to change occupations. But enough of the sad song.

Lately I have been dealing with alot. My daughter's paternal grandmother is dying and my daughter is having a hard time with it. I continue to console her and have encouraged her to write her grandmother a letter expressing her feelings. She said she would do it later. I pray it won't be too late. I have also been trying to designate time in my daily schedule for a quiet time what God. We have 24 hours in a day but at times, find it difficult giving God 20-30 minutes out of that time.

Let me tell you what I'm thankful for: life, health, family, shelter, salvation, cars, food, clothing, sound mind, cell phones, computers, etc. We have so much to be thankful for but oftentimes we forget the routine things in our lives and forget to see the blessings before us.

Happy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm in the process of selecting new life insurance for our family. There are so many options to choose from. However, I want to make sure my family is cared for in the event of my untimely demise. You should always try to prepare for the unexpected.

Trey continues to have accidents in his clothes. I'm convinced he is doing this to rebel. He knows exactly what he is doing when he wets or poops in his pants. He's too intelligent not to know. Right now he is sitting on the floor with over 25 cars and watching Noggin on television.

Endia is being a typical teenager by staying in her room watching television. We have already purchased Endia a car even though she does not drive yet. Presently, I drive the car because it is better than my car on gas. She tried for her permit one time but did not pass the test. Endia thought the test was going to be easier than it was. She does not seem to anxious to take it again eventhough she has a car available to drive. Most teenagers would "kill"themselves to get their permit in order to drive and especially if they already have the car. However, Endia is not a typically teenager. She enjoys going to church on Sundays and Wednesdays, does not ask for extras, and would prefer to go to the beach with her girlfriend instead of going on a cruise to the Bahamas.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Monday is Upon Us

Oh, how I dread Mondays. Why? Because I have to return to work and a long tiresome week. I enjoy my job, teaching students with special needs, but I don't enjoy the other crap that goes along with it. I long for the days past of sitting in my office doing absolutely nothing. Well enough of my job. I had an uneventful day. We went to church but unfortunately, did not return this evening because we got behind schedule and Endia needed to go to volleyball tryouts. Trey really wanted to go to Puggles. He had a shoebox filled with goodies for a child in another country. I was looking forward to my evening bible study. But things did not work out as planned. No use in crying over spilt milk, I must press on. As I close, I would like to thank God for always being with me and loving me regardless of my flaws.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Dry at Last (That's What I Thought)

I'm having a peaceful Saturday morning as I watch Trey put 39 cars and trucks in a straight line. Is this a sign of a future obsessive compulsive adult? Only God knows. However, I think it is a sign of a genius in the making. A miracle happened yesterday. Trey wore big boy underwear and did not wet them even at home. Last night I put him on a pull-up for bed but when he woke up this morning, I put him on big underwear again. It is now 11:27 am and so far he is dry. Keep your fingers cross for me. I told him that if he remains dry the entire day, we may have a big boy party on tomorrow. As I am posting this blog (11:30), guess what Trey just did. You guessed it he peed in his underwear. We are back to square one.

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Weekend is Finally Here

As always, this week has been pretty busy but uneventful. Trey, my 32 month old, continues to amaze me each day with his extensive vocabulary. He asked his 15 year old sister why was she not driving her car yet. He told me that Obama won the election. He also told his father that I raided his piggy bank for spare change. He repeats everything that he hears and some. He can say all of these things but continues to rebel by wetting his underwear. My 15 year old was not as vocal as he is at this age but guess what, she was potty trained. I plan to relax and read this weekend. I thank God for peace. We all need to rest and let life's stressors disappear for a while.