Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm in the process of selecting new life insurance for our family. There are so many options to choose from. However, I want to make sure my family is cared for in the event of my untimely demise. You should always try to prepare for the unexpected.

Trey continues to have accidents in his clothes. I'm convinced he is doing this to rebel. He knows exactly what he is doing when he wets or poops in his pants. He's too intelligent not to know. Right now he is sitting on the floor with over 25 cars and watching Noggin on television.

Endia is being a typical teenager by staying in her room watching television. We have already purchased Endia a car even though she does not drive yet. Presently, I drive the car because it is better than my car on gas. She tried for her permit one time but did not pass the test. Endia thought the test was going to be easier than it was. She does not seem to anxious to take it again eventhough she has a car available to drive. Most teenagers would "kill"themselves to get their permit in order to drive and especially if they already have the car. However, Endia is not a typically teenager. She enjoys going to church on Sundays and Wednesdays, does not ask for extras, and would prefer to go to the beach with her girlfriend instead of going on a cruise to the Bahamas.

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