Monday, April 29, 2013

Trusting God

I just finished listening to a Joyce Meyer sermon on youtube. I really needed to hear this message.  Below is a summary of what I gleaned from the sermon:

  • We can't hide anything from God, He is always with us.
  • He should not have to expain all the "whys" to us.
  • Focusing on the why does not lead to contentment.  It impedes our walk with God.
  • We waste time trying to figure out the why.
  • We most trust God and His timing.
  • The Israelites took 40 years to get to the promise land because of lack of faith and questioning God.  The trip should have taken them 11 days.  We are misiing out on life by focusing on the why.
  • Instead of asking why, ask God to strengthen you for the journey and to prepare you for His will.
  • Don't spend so much time trying to figure out why isn't done that you forget the great stuff that God has planned for you.
  • Enjoy what Jesus died to give us insead of living every day miserable, confused, discontented, etc.
God Bless!!

Pinewood Derby

Trey's Cub Scouts' Pinewood Derby was on yesterday. At the last minute, I decided to design a Skittles car.  It was very easy to make.  The car turned out cute and everybody raved about it.  Trey did not place in the race but guess what, the Skittles car won  trophy for Most Creative.  I was very excited bcause I am not crafty.  Below is a picture of the Skittles car and the trophy.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Quit My Job

I resigned from my job.  I now have time to devote to my dissertation so that I can graduate in December.  I am so looking forward to being home this summer.  I will be working contract but on my schedule. Praise God!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My bike came on Monday.  Trey and I went riding with friends.  We won't be able to go riding again until Thursday.  While riding near a lake, Trey almost rode into the lake.  A tree stopped him. Thank God!  Here are some pictures of my backyard.  My husband planted flowers toady and we are trying to get the pool ready to swim in.

Mom, can I jump in?

Look at the pretty flowers and palm trees near the fountain.

Monday, April 15, 2013


I am sitting here are work just wondering.   I am wondering about life, God, my future, etc.  It is so difficult remaining close to God in this fallen world.  I fall short every day.  Thank God, we serve an awesome God who forgives us for sin and never leaves or gives up on us.  Sometimes, I want to give up on myself.  I wished od would speak to me in a voice which I can discern without a doubt.  Even if He did, would I obey everything He tells me.  Just wondering ...................

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Animal Kingdom & Disneyworld Pictures

Here are some pictures we took at Animal Kingdom & Disneyworld:

Sick Child

Trey is sick.  Since the pollen has started falling, his allergies are out of control.  When he returned from school today, his teacher wrote a note saying he appeared tired in class today.  While putting him to bed, he had a nosebleed.  He tossed and turned all night long.  He woke up around 3:00 am.  I told him to go to his room and watch tv while I got a little bit of sleep.  I told him to the doctor who said he may be Florida. Trey coughed off and on for most of the day.  He had three nosebleeds today.  I am not going to send him to school tomorrow.  Trey had another nosebleed during the night.  I had to change the linens and he didn't sleep well.  Friday was pretty much the same as Thursday, nosebleeds, coughing, etc.  Trey seems to be feeling somewhat better today which is Saturday.  I had to change the linens again last night when he woke around 2 am with a nosebleed.  He finally went back to sleep around 3 am.  Trey woke up around 12:30 pm on Saturday.  He missed his soccer game.  Around 6:30 pm, he went outside to play.  He has been in the house since Wednesday.  I hope we have a more restful night tonight.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Feeling Better

We returned home from Florida on Friday morning.  I was going ti Charleston for the Cooper River Run but changed my mind.  I was emotionally drained.  We spent Thursday at Disney Quest which is located in downtown Disney.  It was fun.   I relaxed and read the entire weekend.  I am reading a wonderful book about the battlefield of our mind and how Satan uses negative thoughts to control our actions.  I am trying very hard to think and speak positively and not dwell on the negative.  The author also stresses visualizing positive outcomes.  I am also reading a autobiographical book about a woman who grew up in a religious cult and was sexually abused as a child.  through God's love and grace, she made it.  I returned to work today and I am tired!  rey andI are upstairs reading and relaxing.  Every 5 minutes he sneezes, due to his allergies.  Pollen is eveywhere.  Oh yeah, I have been wanting to find a hobby besides reading.  I decided to start bicycling.  Ipurchased a bike and hopefully, it wll be delivered this week.  It is a foldable bike that cah fit in my trunk.  Therefore, I can take it to the park and other places around town.  I hope both Trey and my bike can fit into my car.  I am very excited!! I hope to ride at least 2-3 times a week.  This will also be good exercise.  Also, I got the bike at  GREAT price.  Heres's a picture of it from Amazon:

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sick and Tired

We are in Orlando.  You would think we are having a great time.  Guess again.  the resort we are staying at is beautiful when many pools and activities.  Last night I took Trey to the pool.  they were showing a movie.  He told me he was finished swimming.  Therefore, I walked across the street to our condo to retrieve some dry clothes for him.  When I returned, he said he wanted to swim again because his friends were going to swim.  I told him no because it was getting cooler and I had taken his swimwear to the room.  Well to make a long story short, he had a tantrum and when I told him we were leaving, he said he wasn't going any where. Needless to say, this ruined my night.  Trey is very ungrateful and only thinks about himself. I try my best to be a good mother and give my children the best.  But again, I am not appreciated.

I didn't think things could get any worst.  Well, I was wrong.  My husband and I got into an argument and he told me I am a moocher.  I am a moocher because he pays the mortgage.  I pay all of the other bills in the house and take care of Trey but I am a moocher.  I am tired of my children and my husband.  I have seriously considered leaving and moving out on my own.  I have also considered leaving Trey with his father. Since I am a moocher, he can pay all of the bills himself.  My husband thinks he can say anything to me and then pretend like nothing happened.  However, I don't forget.  I may forget but I don't forget  I am tired of being slapped in the face and unappreciated.  One day..............................................