Monday, April 8, 2013

Feeling Better

We returned home from Florida on Friday morning.  I was going ti Charleston for the Cooper River Run but changed my mind.  I was emotionally drained.  We spent Thursday at Disney Quest which is located in downtown Disney.  It was fun.   I relaxed and read the entire weekend.  I am reading a wonderful book about the battlefield of our mind and how Satan uses negative thoughts to control our actions.  I am trying very hard to think and speak positively and not dwell on the negative.  The author also stresses visualizing positive outcomes.  I am also reading a autobiographical book about a woman who grew up in a religious cult and was sexually abused as a child.  through God's love and grace, she made it.  I returned to work today and I am tired!  rey andI are upstairs reading and relaxing.  Every 5 minutes he sneezes, due to his allergies.  Pollen is eveywhere.  Oh yeah, I have been wanting to find a hobby besides reading.  I decided to start bicycling.  Ipurchased a bike and hopefully, it wll be delivered this week.  It is a foldable bike that cah fit in my trunk.  Therefore, I can take it to the park and other places around town.  I hope both Trey and my bike can fit into my car.  I am very excited!! I hope to ride at least 2-3 times a week.  This will also be good exercise.  Also, I got the bike at  GREAT price.  Heres's a picture of it from Amazon:

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